Can the risk of cybercrime the main threat to the growth of the Internet of Things technologies? How to handle such risk?
The growth of cybercrime risks created a massive market for cyber risk insurance policies, but can any liability be insured? And what is the difference between a cyber risk policy and an ordinary liability policy? What companies shall do in case of cyber attack?
It was the Internet of Things day (IoTDay) yesterday and the main issues for the IoT are interoperability, cybersecurity and privacy compliance.
The 2022 edition of the Games Industry Law Summit gathered all the major legal experts from the video gaming industry and here are my main takeaways.
The Italian corporate criminal liability regime is now extended to gambling and betting related crimes and fraud in sports competitions, impacting also foreign operators and providers.
The retail and fashion sectors need to deal with new legal issues due to the adoption of IoT technologies as a consequence of the rapid digital revolution of the industry.
Data are the oil of the future and the Internet of Things technologies considerably rely on them, leading to major data protection issues.
How to limit the risk of eDoping and avoid potential sanctions and enforcement in eSports? What solutions shall be adopted in terms of cybersecurity?
Cybersecurity represents a major risk for companies that will need to change their approach on security in 2019, also in relation to M&A transactions, and corrective actions might include a cyber risk insurance coverage according to our predictions.