LawBytes deals with the Italian DPIA list published by the Italian Data Protection Authority and the security guidelines by ENISA on the Internet of Things (IoT).
GamingLawPills brings news on a South Korean bill aimed at punishing sexual harassment in videogames and on growing concerns over gambling loot boxes in Ireland.
Termination clauses in an outsourcing agreements are critical in order to proper manage the migration to a new supplier and pending liabilities.
Hi there, I am Prisca! Your chatbot as a service tool
Prisca is an artificial intelligence system, also known as a chatbot, that can help your colleagues to find the information they need easier, reducing the amount of work of in-house legal teams.
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What mistakes you cannot afford to make in negotiating SLAs and penalties or liquidated damages of an outsourcing agreement?
What issues should be considered in negotiating liability clauses of an outsourcing agreement? How do they change with the digital revolution?
La blockchain, l'artificial intelligence e l'IoT sono il futuro, ma come gestire i problemi legali e massimizzare i benefici?
How can a GDPR compliant privacy information notice provide all the information required and at the same time meet the applicable transparency requirements?
How blockchain can be the response to major legal issues and what new legal issues will arise in 2018 through its exploitation, here are our predictions.
The fashion sector is going to reshape itself in 2018 with new legal issues and here are our fashion law predictions for 2018.