$ 3 billion will be spent in 2014 on 10 million units of wearable technologies according to a Deloitte report, but the potentials of this market can be seen also through the attempts by tech companies to patent anything connected to them, including the heart gesture made in front of Google Glasses so setting a new approach for the Internet of Things!
Wearable technologies and the Internet of Things are becoming a really exciting topic and each time we review different products for clients, we find out an additional legal implication that might be relevant in the sector. After having published a post on wearable technologies and privacy and a second post on wearable technologies in the healthcare sector with reference to eHealth technologies, I am now running a webinar organized by the Global Lawyers Association on wearable technologies, privacy and intellectual property rights.
Outsourcing agreements relating to cloud projects in the healthcare sector (eHealth or telemedicine) trigger relevant regulatory and contractual issues.