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Internet of Things
Internet of Things and telecom law issues

Internet of Things technologies require the communication between devices on telecom networks that vary depending on the type of service provided.  Such communications in some cases lead to telecom law issues in relation to the possibility to use the relevant telecom network and obligations triggered by such usage.  These are among the issues that the Italian telecom authority, AGCOM and the UK telecom authority, OFCOM, will be discussing during the current consultation on the Internet of Things.

data protection issues
Data protection issues for Google trouble BIG DATA businesses
Data protection issues for Google in Italy are not over.  The Italian Data Protection Authority (DPA) has now challenged their privacy information notice requiring - among others - an express consent from users to their profiling for marketing purposes leading to issues that might impact any business based on the processing of BIG DATA such as the Internet of Things and in general on behavioural advertising.
New rules on biometric data, and the Internet of Things?
New rules on the usage of biometric data issued by the Italian data protection authority (the "Garante" or "DPA") are meant to clarify the applicable obligations with the purpose to ease the adoption of technologies relying on them in connection for instance to mobile devices and therefore also of wearable technologies part of the Internet of Things.  However, such rules, that are now subject to an open consultation, set stringent obligations in their processing that might require improvements to avoid they reppresent a barrier for the launch of new products.
Google data protection issues with right to be forgotten
Google data protection issues might increase as a consequence of the ruling of the European Court of Justice that obliged search engines to remove the link between search results and a webpage if it contains information the individual deems should be "forgotten".  But it is argued that this decision might have relevant consequences also for the development of technologies based on Big Data including Internet of Things and wearable technologies.
My presentations
Below are some of my presentations arranged by me Giulio Coraggio that might be of interest Come gestire le problematiche privacy dell'emergenza Covid-19 in Italia Artificial intelligence - Not the evil, but the New Electricity *   *   *   One year of GDPR, what happened and what to expect! …
WhatsApp plus Facebook, what data protection issues?

Adding 450 million monthly users to 1.3 bn monthly users costs $19 bn according to Facebook, but also means that the buyer will be able to know about (and benefit from) much more information on its users to be potentially used for advertising purposes. This is what advertisers might be thinking about, but this might be also the concern of the Canadian, the Dutch and the Italian data protection authority that investigated on WhatsApp in 2013.