The legal issues deriving from European Privacy Regulation, the Internet of Things, Fintech, the patent box and banking and insurance outsourcing were discussed during the Tech Law Day.
The growth of cybercrime risks created a massive market for cyber risk insurance policies, but can any liability be insured? And what is the difference between a cyber risk policy and an ordinary liability policy? What companies shall do in case of cyber attack?
The recent events of connected cars remotely hacked led to considerable discussions about the potential weaknesses of security systems of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, whose growth cannot be stopped though. But how can we find the right balance?
IoTLaw LinkedIn group has already reached 1,500 members with the number of people interested in Internet of Things law issues rapidly increasing.
I launched the IoTLaw LinkedIn group only a few months ago, but in such a short term the attention for legal issues relating to Internet of Things devices has been exponentially increasing. Privacy,…
The Expo area in Milan in one of the 1st examples of smart cities in Italy which shows the massive potentials of the IoT, but what regulatory changes are necessary to replicate it across Europe?
The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming exponentially reviewed by regulators. After the report from the Italian telecom regulator (AgCom), the Italian privacy authority just launched a consultation seeking inputs from the industry on how to regulate the IoT.
€ 1.55 bn of revenues for the IoT in Italy shows a growing market, but the report from the Communications Authority stresses the need for regulatory changes to boost the sector.