The retail and fashion sectors need to deal with new legal issues due to the adoption of IoT technologies as a consequence of the rapid digital revolution of the industry.
The new European regulations on drones introduce a single set of rules that unveil substantial opportunities for companies interested to use them in their business.
The weakness of the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, including its legal issues, could be considerably supported employing the blockchain at the time when the model of business of companies is changing.
The Legal 500 confirmed for 2019 the band one ranking of DLA Piper Italy in Technology Media & Telecommunications (TMT), what a great achievement!
Can the risk of cybercrime the main threat to the growth of the Internet of Things technologies? How to handle such risk?
How to limit the risk of eDoping and avoid potential sanctions and enforcement in eSports? What solutions shall be adopted in terms of cybersecurity?
The fake CEO cyber attack is one of the most frequent cybersecurity issues of the last months, but how can you reduce the risk?
Italian privacy dawn raids are a hot topic and being prepared to them is crucial, especially given the potential fines provided by the GDPR. Here are the main takeaways from our event on the matter.
Il caso del c.d. fake CEO è una delle tipologie di cyber attacco più frequenti durante gli ultimi mesi, ma come proteggersi ed evitarli? e allo stesso come valorizzare i dati aziendali?
LawBytes #32 deals this week with the information note on no-deal Brexit data flows from the EU to UK issued by the EDPB and with the ENISA tool for smartphone app security.