Spiros Margaris was able to become a global influencer in artificial intelligence, Fintech, and blockchain and tells us his story and expectations for the future.
The draft EU Artificial Intelligence Regulation raised major concerns as to whether the European Union is heading in the right direction to regulate AI.
There has been a massive wave of digital transformation in the last years which will be further accelerated due to the Covid-19 outbreak: in this podcast, we discussed the topic and what to expect in the future with Mike Sutcliff, the former Group CEO of Accenture Digital.
The European Commission will soon present the draft regulation aimed at regulating the technological, ethical, socio-economic and legal aspects of artificial intelligence.
A recent court case of a person wrongly accused by an AI system revamped concerns on the reliability of artificial intelligence data and potential ethical side effects due to biases.
La trasformazione digitale, l'intelligenza aritificiale e la cybersecurity fanno sorgere nuove problematiche legali che anche per il gruppo Generali sono challenging.
Le imprese sono pronte alla Digital Revolution e all'AI? Ne parliamo con capi degli uffici legali di primarie aziende e top manager il 4 dicembre 2019 da DLA Piper nel corso della presentazione del libro scritto dallo studio sull'argomento.