Cyber criminals have become a major threat with increasing ransomware attacks that require to implement robust measures of legal compliance, this article gives indications onย how to deal with it.
The proper management of a data breach following a ransomware cyberattack can avoid potential GDPR fines and damages due to claims from customers in a situation of considerable difficulty.
Il caso del c.d. fake CEO รจ una delle tipologie di cyber attacco piรน frequenti durante gli ultimi mesi, ma come proteggersi ed evitarli? e allo stesso come valorizzare i dati aziendali?
Cybersecurity represents a major risk for companies that will need to change their approach on security in 2019, also in relation to M&A transactions, and corrective actions might include a cyber risk insurance coverage according to our predictions.
The strength of the Internet of Things (IoT) is in creating a connected ecosystem of different suppliers, but partnerships cannot be afforded ignoring the potential risks.