Google link tax might be reproduced in Italy after the negative experience that led to the shutting down of Google News in Spain as a consequence of the approval of a similar law.
Yahoo! is a passive hosting provider obliged to remove copyright infringing material only following a detailed notice from the rights' holder and without any filtering obligation in relation to future potentially infringing videos.
TripAdvisor has been sanctioned by the Italian competition authority (AGCM) for the misleading advertising claims relating to the truthfulness of the reviews published by their users on the site that according to the AGCM cannot be guaranteed. ย This case might trigger considerable risks also for other social media and fashion blogs.
The Italian tax police seized 46 websites streaming videos in breach of the copyright holders, but is also going after entities "supporting" such sites through banners published on them so…
The European Court of Justice (ECJ)ย heldย that the video streaming of television broadcasts by a third party triggers a copyright breach, but what are the consequences on recent Italian case laws?